
    The Devil's Prayer - By G.L. Woods


    Copyright © 2024

    By G. L. Woods


    It’s been so long I've forgotten how;

    I hope you bear with me and still allow.


    Hi, God.  It's me, the Devil,

    Still looking for souls to embezzle.


    It's easy 'cause I'm so pretty and clever,

    They never catch on to my endeavor.


    For years I've told them sweet lies.

    You'd think they would finally realize.


    I evoke pride; I tell them they're special.

    They assume they are higher top-level.


    I cause wrath, oh so angry,

    Easier to lead astray, quite frankly.


    Pit one to the other, then there's envy,

    That will certainly start a feeding frenzy.


    I induce greed, as so many have agreed,

    Everything becomes an absolute need.


    If greed doesn't catch 'em there's always lust.

    It's by their own hand and yet they claim it's unjust.


     Gluttony, a bottomless hole to fill,    

    "Give me more" becomes their thrill.


    After all this they become sloth,

    And then to me they be troth.


    To you, God, it may sound like bragging,

    But look at all the souls I'm stacking.


    But I digress, I'm here to complain.

    One soul won't leave your holy domain.


    She’s a target I desperately desire to obtain.

    A trophy prized, I need to retain.


    But she fights tooth and nail,

    I have yet to prevail.


    She scares me, so I set an alarm as forewarning,

    For every day when she wakes up in the morning.


    She wears me down,

    And jerks me around.


    I'm getting tired of this!

    She makes me look remiss.


    I'm at my ropes end!

    I'm praying to see, God, what you recommend.


    It's this woman; her name is Slade.

    She scares me, and now I'm afraid.


    What if her wrath may cascade,

    Or she shows up at hell's gate to invade?


    Oh, dear God, please call her off!

    Compared to her, I look soft!


    It's as if she were on a crusade,

    This relentless woman named Slade.


    She uses written word, puts them on parade,

    Like a razor edge, cold steel blade.


    Please take mercy!  I feel so betrayed

    By this Godly woman named Slade!


    Now, what’s the format?  Remind me again,

    Isn’t it now that I say, "Amen?"



    Yvonne says (Sep 16, 2024):

    Thank you so much for sharing this, Betty. It is powerful.

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