
    Should I stop breathing for them?

    When I didn’t think life could get any more ridiculous, people have surprised me. Oh me, the foolishness of this age.

    Recently, we heard in the news that those who deem themselves smarter than the average person have decided human breathing is harmful to the earth and they are going to eliminate our breathing.

    How? I’m not sure. Does that mean I should stop breathing for them? I say, “Stop with the nonsense.”

    God gives, and God takes away. There is a God, and you’re not God. He’s on the throne and He’s in charge. How did you grow so stupid and so far from the fear of God?

    Their thinking is almost comical if it was a laughing matter. They have become brazen souls yelling in the streets, holding up their fists in the face of God. They steal what is not theirs and do not fear the consequences. They have dared God to act.

    We serve a merciful God, but I fear for them. I feel like the little canary in the coal mine warning them of the poisonous gas. Have they thrown a blanket over the cage so they don’t have to hear the voice of a radical Christian?

    My own voice is drowning in their toxic outrage. I keep singing the same old song of warning, “There is a God and He numbers our days. What are we doing to further His message? Are we studying His Word, learning how to trust Him? Are we ready to meet our maker?”

    When I read this morning in my devotion, “Not every day is game day,” I realized that I’ve had a lot of grunt days preparing for game day. I’m not even sure what game day looks like. We can’t figure out who’s got the ball and who’s making the rules. The officials are sitting on the sidelines with the fans.

    I’ve been very careful to stay away from political issues, but these words are from biblical wisdom. People who rule this country, who I thought were smarter than me, have caved in and fallen into a black hole. We are trapped deep underground with them. We need a mine shaft tower to enable us to be hoisted out of this hole. This nation needs turning from foolishness and turn back to God.

    I don’t know where this thought came from, but it has been ingrained in me: “Every day counts. Do your homework today; you never know when the test will come. Be ready.” I think most of my life I’ve been perched on a limb ready for game day.

    Maybe today is game day when we face the opponent and combat all the crazies who are running around with the ball.

    I tell my Sweet Al all the time, we’ve got to keep our eyes on the Lord and not be swayed in fear of what we hear. Their voices are loud and angry. It’s hard not to give them attention. I’ve quoted an old saying for years and believe it to be true: “The louder the voice, the weaker their cause.”

    We should not fear them, but the Lord. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instructions.” — Proverbs 1:7 (NKJV).

    I have learned in this crazy world, where ridiculous is running rampant, we need to heed to God’s words. It behooves us to stay strong in who we believe in and pray. He knows what He’s doing. Evil and poison might be a tool to get our attention to rise from the hole.

    We need to become stronger in our faith and encourage those who are choking on poisonous gases. Be a canary in the mine. Be faithful to do the grunt work and be ready for game day. Stay on our knees, study His word so we can help those who can’t helping themselves.

    Final brushstroke: Excuse me for breathing and chirping like a canary, but the world needs us to resist the evil and warn others who have become complacent in their dark hole. It seems we are getting closer to game day.


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